We have many ministries in the church to serve those who attend our church services, but many also provide ways in which you can play a part in serving others. We believe the pathway toward spiritual and personal growth is found by engaging in a consistent lifestyle of worship, taking advantage of learning opportunities, inviting others on our journey, and reaching out to those in need with encouragement, support and giving.
Youth Ministry
Our children's ministry for elementary age through teens. It is designed to promote the godly character, conduct and commitment of our children through Christ centered teaching.
Christian Education
Sunday School & Bible Study Ministry
This ministry is for all ages to give knowledge and understanding to the Word of God.
Health & Healing Ministry
This ministry encourages, motivates, and raises awareness about a healthier lifestyle.
Deacon and Deaconess Ministry
This ministry is responsible for promoting special activities, communion, assisting with baptism, ministerial care and addressing the needs of the congregation.
Women's Auxiliary
The Women’s Auxiliary of Macedonia is a group of ladies dedicated to providing aid and comfort to those in need in our community. To encourage fellowship and support to all women and members of the congregation. This ministry also cares for the needs of the members by visiting the sick and shut in.
Men of Valor
Teach, inspire and encourage the men of the church to become disciples for Christ. To cultivate Christian fellowship with the brotherhood through spiritual, civic and social activities.
Music Ministry
This ministry expresses praise and worship to God through singing, instruments and dance.
Seniors Ministry "Seniors on the Move"
The Senior Citizen's Ministry goal is to provide a variety of programs to meet the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of the Senior Citizens of Macedonia Baptist Church.
Nursery Ministry
This ministry is designed to care for the spiritual and physical needs of our children during Sunday Service. Ages 0 – 5 years old.
Young Adult Ministry
This is a fellowship outreach for young adults, ages 18 (post high school) through 40.
Community Affairs
This ministry serves to build relationships within the community. This also provides opportunities for the church to serve those in need within our communities.
Transportation Ministry
Provides transportation to and from the church. If you or someone you know desires a ride to church services, please notify the church at least 48 hours in advance.
Our children's ministry for elementary age through teens. It is designed to promote the godly character, conduct and commitment of our children through Christ centered teaching.
Christian Education
Sunday School & Bible Study Ministry
This ministry is for all ages to give knowledge and understanding to the Word of God.
Health & Healing Ministry
This ministry encourages, motivates, and raises awareness about a healthier lifestyle.
Deacon and Deaconess Ministry
This ministry is responsible for promoting special activities, communion, assisting with baptism, ministerial care and addressing the needs of the congregation.
Women's Auxiliary
The Women’s Auxiliary of Macedonia is a group of ladies dedicated to providing aid and comfort to those in need in our community. To encourage fellowship and support to all women and members of the congregation. This ministry also cares for the needs of the members by visiting the sick and shut in.
Men of Valor
Teach, inspire and encourage the men of the church to become disciples for Christ. To cultivate Christian fellowship with the brotherhood through spiritual, civic and social activities.
Music Ministry
This ministry expresses praise and worship to God through singing, instruments and dance.
Seniors Ministry "Seniors on the Move"
The Senior Citizen's Ministry goal is to provide a variety of programs to meet the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of the Senior Citizens of Macedonia Baptist Church.
Nursery Ministry
This ministry is designed to care for the spiritual and physical needs of our children during Sunday Service. Ages 0 – 5 years old.
Young Adult Ministry
This is a fellowship outreach for young adults, ages 18 (post high school) through 40.
Community Affairs
This ministry serves to build relationships within the community. This also provides opportunities for the church to serve those in need within our communities.
Transportation Ministry
Provides transportation to and from the church. If you or someone you know desires a ride to church services, please notify the church at least 48 hours in advance.